Friday, July 15, 2016

Changing the Odds (October 2015)

Attending this conference was an inspiration BOOST!

Some of my take aways from the conference were the following:
  1. Daniel Pink talked about an Innovation Day - one Friday every other month where students do whatever they want and then present on that (sort of like a genius hour).  He said, "You're allowed to do whatever you want as long as it's not boring."
  2. Make connections - the power of finding similarities between multiple items!
  3. Share your story - StoryCorps - incredible stories of everyday people being real.  Great podcast!
  4. Be the deliverer of the unexpected.
  5. Be the global game changer.
  6. Kevin Carroll:  Circumstances do not have to dictate someone's destiny.  Inspire others!
  7. Kevin Carroll's "Rules of the Red Rubber Ball" - "Work for a cause, not for applause. Live life to express, not to impress. Don't strive to make you presence noticed, just make your absence felt."
  8. Kevin Carroll: Our ideas and actions matter!
  9. Kevin Carroll: Look up every once in a while, shift your gaze ... tap into the wonder around you.
  10. Kevin Carroll:  We all need a CEO - Chief Encouraging Officer!  Are you somebody's CEO?
  11. Glennon Melton: "Don't judge your success on immediate results - remain faithful to your calling.  Just show up!
  12.  Sir Ken Robinson: "When you encourage people in the things they love, you'll never know where that will end up."

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